Whilst September 11th is a poignant day for many people, for my family it is a day of love and hope for today we celebrated the arrival of the latest member of our family baby Jack.
What makes this more special is that Jack arrived in our world on his Daddy's birthday and this time my nephew was able to attend the birth. My nephew serves in the Royal Air Force, has been on many tours of duty to places most of us only hear about on the news. He remains compassionate, dedicated and hopeful and above all loves his family.
My Mother is now the proud owner of 5 children, 10 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren and she's only 66! You'd better sharpen your pencil Mum that's a lot of from you to me journals you have to complete.
For me that's what life is all about really: a sense of belonging, a team, a family. People to share the ups and downs of life, people to create and share memories with, people you just want to hug.
So, go on, give someone a hug and if they aren't close enough to reach find a way to tell them you love them.
Life matters . . . pass it on