FROM YOU TO ME | Gift Journals & Books


'from you to me' Blog

  1. Charity Day for all From You To Me employees

    I had a wonderful experience this year participating in a charity walk with six friends to raise funds to help sufferers of Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and to aid research into this disease. I did it with a group of friends who, decades ago, all worked together. Now cards, sport, fun, food and drink provide the catalyst for gatherings and...

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  2. Dear 2022

    Dear 2022 It’s great that you’ve arrived. We certainly hope you are better than your predecessors 2021 and 2020 which, were to be honest, pants. Here are our hopes and wishes, from you to me! We hope to not have to learn another Greek alphabet letter, to never hear the words transmissible, furlough or lockdown ever again and for the only...

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  3. Neil (the Younger) is walking for Motor Neurone's Disease

    Our founder, Neil (now known as 'Neil the Younger'), is off on a long walk starting this weekend to raise funds to help sufferers of Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and to aid research into this disease. He is doing it with a group of friends. Decades ago they all worked together. Now cards, sport, fun, food and drink provide the...

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  4. Absence makes the heart grow fonder

    What a year.  Hopefully one that will never be repeated. It has changed the way we live and the way we interact with each other. Outside of my own home, I personally miss engaging with my family and friends.  I miss the big things like being able to meet, to talk face to face, to hug or seeing their real...

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  5. Time on our hands ...

    We have mostly all found that we have had time on our hands during the recent lockdowns that have happened across our world.  Without the ability to do some of the things in life that keep us happy or occupied, you will have found more free time ... even if you had been working in a 'long-hours' care role. Hopefully...

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