Whether you want to start, continue or complete your journal in 2013 here are 5 journaling resolutions to kick off the New Year.1. KEEP YOUR JOURNAL VISIBLEPut your journal somewhere where you will see it so that you remember to write in it. If you shove it in the bottom of a drawer you might forget about it. Allow yourself...
I can’t describe how delighted I am that Practical Parenting & Pregnancy Magazine voted Our Story the best gift/keepsake for 2013 giving it their Gold award. It is always great to win awards, but even better when they are voted for by the people who actually use our journals – Mum’s and Dads!It is hard to believe that this journal...
My obsession with keeping things organised and maintaining lists for everything is a standing joke throughout the whole of the year. But I really come into my own at Christmas. I am constantly surprised to find that not everybody has a ringbinder where they keep everything to do with Christmas. How do they remember what happened last year and what...
from you to me are thrilled and proud to announce that we have been presented with a Gold Award at the Practical Parenting & Pregnancy Awards 2012-13! Our Story childhood journal has scooped the Gold Award in the Best Baby Gift/Keepsake category - wonderful proof that parents love recording and sharing priceless memories and stories. It is a fantastic accolade to be given...
This weekend my lovely and beautiful friend Tina lost her fight with cancer. It was an unfair fight – the enemy was armed with a machine gun and she was sent into battle with nothing more than a spoon. However fight she did.Since she was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year she has been truly amazing. I am sure Tina...