For every joyous family moment there’s a pang of pain. This summer sees two big moments in our family. A house move from the home where my son was born, and the preparations for my daughter starting big school. As with most house moves there have been several trips to the local recycling centre. Families with younger children have had the pleasure of several...
If you need a little 'Me' time this summer we thought we would offer all our friends, and friends of friends, a little incentive to give yourself an hour or so of peace whilst your kids are fully occupied with 'Rant & Rave about My Holiday'. See image for full offer to 'school's out for summer' - available until 23rd August or while...
Tom Briggs, award-winning UK blogger Diary of the Dad, tells us how he deserves to be loved and pampered this Father's Day. My name’s Tom and I’m the proud dad of two little boys. I’ve been blogging about my adventures in parenting since shortly after my older son was born and haven’t looked back. Almost four years later, one thing...
Neil writes a regular feature in the UK's Gift Focus Trade Magazine answering people related questions.Here is the latest article and if you want to see the actual Gift Focus Magazine ... here is the link.GIFT FOCUS MAGAZINEQ. Many people are talking about building their own Company brand these days … but how do I get my own people to...
To celebrate Get Kids Writing during National Stationery Week, children's author Alex Campbell tells us how, to her, writing is as much about exciting beginnings and ideas as 'finished' masterpieces.Oh how I do I love beginnings…..the beginnings of holidays, daydreams, of films and books, of a romance, of a tasty-looking meal, the first hints of Spring.As a writer, there’s nothing I cherish more...